Médecins tunisiens en Afrique du Sud
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100 médecins déjà enregistrés l'HPCSA

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100 médecins déjà enregistrés l'HPCSA Empty 100 médecins déjà enregistrés l'HPCSA

Message par Doc Mer 6 Fév - 15:37

100 doctors heading for SA
04/02/2008 13:31 - (SA)

Pretoria - One hundred Tunisian doctors were ready to work in various rural areas across the country, the Health Professions Council of SA (HPCSA) said on Monday.

"Council has already registered 100 practitioners from Tunisia and these are ready to serve in the various rural areas across South Africa," said spokesperson Tendai Dhliwayo.

Dhliwayo said the council would continue processing documents as soon as they arrived from the Department of Health's foreign workforce management programme.

The skills of the Tunisian doctors would help alleviate a shortage of doctors in the country, particularly in rural areas.

"Not only is the initiative aimed at alleviating shortages in the rural areas, but also to share expertise with their local counterparts. In so doing, the rural areas that have always had shortages of health care practitioners will benefit greatly," said Dhliwayo.
voici l'article: 100 doctors heading for SA


Nombre de messages : 120
Date d'inscription : 25/12/2007


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